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Published 26th Sept 2013

We often heard Mahathir Mohamd, Anwar Ibrahim, Bill Clinton, Erdogan, etc as such very charismatic leader in the world of politic arena, but the big question mark here, how it is look like to be?, Thus we will clarify together here. Charisma is not the objective assessment by followers of the leader's ability to meet followers' specific needs. It is a means by which people abdicate responsibility for any consistent, tough-minded evaluation of the outcome of specific policies.
CitizensPUT their trust in their leader, who will somehow take care of things. Charisma requires some psychological distance between leader and follower. Charismatic leaders are sufficiently distant from ordinary folks. A simplified and magical image is possible. Adherents and opponents react emotionally to charismatic personalities. The leader's portrait is global and not discriminating. Specific weaknesses are overlooked in the great leader.
In the life and death of former President Ronald Reagan, large numbers of people became "charisma hungry." This pressing need occurs in historical conditions in which religion wanes. Fear, anxiety, and existential dread result in the emergence of charismatic leaders. War, globalization, unemployment, demise of family, church, and civility bring on feelings of fear and apprehension. Conditions of fear produce continuing symptoms of anxiety. Citizenry distresses result in existential dread. People experience circumstances in which the rituals of their human existence become significantly impaired.
            The charismatic leader, under such conditions, may offer meaning and provide followers with a greater sense of community. In offering salvation from fear, anxiety, and existential dread, the charismatic leader creates new forms of safety, identity, and rituals. Crisis is important to the emergence of charismatic leadership. The charismatic leader, by virtue of unusual personal qualities, promises hope of salvation.
German sociologist Max Weber is the original guru on charisma. Weber analyzed the functions and exercise of power. Laws and traditional taboos of the particular culture or society need to be bypassed, abolished, or otherwise overcome. Laws, rules, regulations, customs, mores, taboos, routines, and certain ascribed standards must be circumvented. These traits are considered rational--grounded in prescribed ways of acting and behaving.
2.                 Weber identified charisma, or individual leadership, as largely emotional. Referred to as the cult of personality, charisma is thought to be irrational. The charismatic personality goes against the grain of how issues confronting the organization, or country, should be handled, dealt with,BROKERED, and accepted.
3.       the people, citizens, employees, followers, believers, converts, and masses must carry out the new edicts, laws, and policies of the organization, or government. A new rationality is established on the recently established cult of personality. Followers want to be persuaded, not coerced, into implementing dictates of the new realities.
            Charisma is not merely the appearance of a dynamic, excited, motivated, committed, passion-filled person. Charismatic persons persuade followers to change their old ways of responding to the country's challenges and problems. Citizens, as followers, are to act in creative, determined, sustained, and new ways to accomplish tasks assigned to the "wars" of the charismatic leader.
            The great man or woman arrives on the scene or comes from the ranks of common people. The charismatic leader dominates decision making regardless of the logic of his or her positions. 
Followers abandon rational thinking and follow the new leader, perhaps a Pied Piper, into an unknown future. In democracies, however, followers are often educated --and not easily seduced.
                ToPUT charisma into operation .Karz delineates three types of interpersonal relations between charismatic’s personalities and followers.One type of charismatic leader may symbolize the followers ‘wishful solutions to internal conflicts .Instead of searching for deeper meaning and motives ,followers seek release from their internal conflict .They project their fear ,aggression ,and aspiration upon social measures that facilitate symbolic solution .In his or her personality and program ,the charismatic leader offers symbolic solution .
            A second type of charismatics leader entail s an aggressor ,or father figure ,who possesses overwhelming power that the followers is unable to escape the exercise of such power.In this type of interpersonal relation between leader and follower, there is no new ideology but the followers identify with the aggressor ,or father  figure. A third type of charismatic leader maintains an interpersonal relationship void of internal conflict with followers .In assuming that their charismatic leader may advance their interests magnify the power of their leader.
            A charismatics leader fail to fully develop the abilities of subordinates ,as they becomes overly dependent upon the leader .When the leader is absent ,the organization or nation will tend to flounders ,and when he or she departs for good ,it may fall to pieces. Charismatics  leader may  also inhibit communication. Subordinates become reluctant to give the leader unpleasant information or advise against policies that may be unwise .Often they lose the ability to discriminate between wise and unwise policies ,for they have surrendered much of their capacity for independent  judgment.
           History provides numerous examples of charismatic leaders who vigorously led their nations down the road to ruin. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are two examples, but we do not have to turn to such extreme examples to see how charismatic leadership malfunction .While charisma is positive in many ways ,its main danger in public administration is the possibilities that a charismatics leader’s personally negate important advise and challenges from subordinate and citizen. In Malaysian context you should verify who is the charismatic leader based on this reading and hopefully you will know who is charismatic.

     -George Berkley John Rouse, John Rouse, The Craft of Public Administration, Ninth edition


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